PR 15 - Vereda da Ribeira da Janela


Start / End

Ribeira da Janela - Ribeira da Janela






One way


2,6 Km


1h - 1h30min

Altitude Max / Min

848m / 451m


Irregular / Sharp

Como Chegar

O ponto de partida do percurso que pretende efetuar encontra-se fixado no mapa abaixo. Por definição, o trajeto do mapa evidencia a rota a partir do centro da vila do Porto Moniz.

Para calcular o como chegar até o início da caminhada tendo por base outro local, basta inserir a sua localização, seguindo abaixo as indicações.

How to Arrive

Your starting point is defined on the map below. By default, the map always shows the route starting from the centre of the village of Porto Moniz.

To calculate how to arrive from a different starting point, simply enter the location and follow the indications below.

Как дойти

Ваша отправная точка определяется на карте ниже. По умолчанию карта всегда показывает маршрут, начиная от центра деревни Porto Moniz.

Для того чтобы рассчитать как дойти из другой отправной точки, просто переместите свое местоположение и следуйте новым указаниям.


Ihr Ausgangspunkt ist auf der unten gezeigten Karte markiert. Als Ausgangspunkt ist generell das Zentrum von Porto Moniz eingestellt.

Um eine anderen Startpunkt zu wählen, geben Sie einfach den entsprechenden Ort ein und befolgen die unten angegebene Beschreibung.

Comment y arriver

Le point de départ du parcours que vous choisissez de faire se trouve affiché dans le plan ci-dessous. En règle générale, le trajet du plan met en évidence le parcours à partir du centre de la Ville de Porto Moniz.

Pour voir comment arriver jusqu´au départ ayant pour base un autre lieu, il suffit d´introduire votre localisation, suivant les indications plus bas.

The route

Vereda da Ribeira da Janela (PR 15) begins at Curral Falso, located on the ER 209 and features on the DRF (Direção Regional das Florestas) recommended walks list.

This walk is quite short in comparison to others on the Island measuring about three kilometres. It can be done either up or down hill depending on your personal preference, although most times it is done in conjunction with PR14 Levada dos Cedros ending up at Casais de Cima in Ribeira da Janela.

Regardless of the logistics, this walk will take you on a journey through the beautiful Laurissilva forest, tracing the footsteps of the locals who used to use this path on a daily basis to reach the forest, rich in natural resources. Nowadays, the path is maintained regularly with cylindrical wooden steps having been installed, helping with mobility. Just imagine having to carry heavy loads on your back while manoeuvring up and down the forest like the Madeirans of years gone by!

Read more

GPS track

For your safety and convenience, the Municipality of Porto Moniz has provided the Global Positioning System (GPS) tracks. This way you can plan, visualise and organise in an objective manner the routes we have for you.

Make sure that you are physically able to do your desired walk and test the GPS file before going.