Area: 29.50 km²
Population: 656 inhabitants (2011 Census)
Population density: 24,3 inhabitants /km²
Distance from the centre: 8,8 km

The parish of Seixal has its etymological origins in the word Seixo ou Seiço, a small willow tree of the Salix genera commonly found in streams around the Island.
The lumber from this tree is excellent for making casks used for wine, the main production in this parish.
The spelling of the parish underwent many changes having been spelt in a variety of manners such as Ceixal, Seissal, Ceisal and Seiçal.
Seixal once belonged to the parish of Porto Moniz. However, there is no concrete information as to the identity of the person to whom the land was assigned to.
According to oral tradition, the first settlers resided in Ribeira da Laje on the border of the parish near a place called Mó (grindstone) where the residents cultivated grains.
The mains villages are Portada, Penedo, Serra de Água, Feiteiras, Cova Farrobo, Ribeira da Laje, Fajã da Parreira, e Ribeira Funda.

Silver shield with a green willow tree (Salix canariensis) set over black pebbles.
Three silver towers crown the top and a white banner with "Seixal" in black at the bottom.
Economic Activities
Agriculture, viticulture, commerce, hospitality and construction, tourism and fruit, Crafts (tapestry, embroidery and cobbler).
Santo Antão (17th January)
Santíssimo Sacramento (penultimate Sunday of August)
Heritage and Points of Interest
Parish Church of Santo Antão
Chão da Ribeira (valley in the Laurissilva forest)
Fanal (picnic area)
Natural swimming pools
Seixal fishing pier
Véu da Noiva waterfall and viewpoint
Road between Seixal and São Vicente
Clube Naval do Seixal
Junta de Freguesia do Seixal
Sítio das Feiteiras
9270-124 Seixal
+351 291 854 320
+351 291 854 320